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  • Chop up 1 large onion, 2 medium turnips, a bundle of leeks, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 1 branch of ginger / turmeric, 2 stalks of carrots, a handful of shiitake mushrooms, a 1/2 bundle of fresh thyme / oregano, and either miso or mushroom broth for a vegan version.
  • For a more omnivorous version, you can add organic bone-in chicken for some of the benefits of the bone marrow and bony matrix, as well.
  • Add salt, pepper, dry turmeric, cumin, curry powder, cinnamon, and/or any other spices that you like to taste.
  • Simmer larger veggies and meat for anywhere from 45 min – 1.5 hr; then add the herbs, cover, and remove from heat.
  • Then add 1/2-1 freshly juiced lemon to taste, and enjoy!

– Adapted from Dr. Bill Mitchell’s original recipe

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